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A Bit About me

Not the full story, but...

I felt music in my bones before I barely spoke and since then I know that motion, music and my body can unite in a unique way that allows me to feel, sense and experience states of being that I cannot otherwise. Being active, forcing myself to overcome my limits, sweating and feeling intense exhaustion but also full power and strength is what made me overcome so many struggles in my life and what makes me want to get more out of my life each day. I believe that only a strong and connected body allows your mind to unfold its true potential. We don't need to be better than others, we can be the best no matter what when we agree that the only thing that is limiting, is ourselves. I want to show you that in order to understand at least some parts of the world you need to be open for personal development in each area, be it professional, philosophical, psychological or physical. Never stay, always flow, just like water.

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